Testasy is a Polish-Swiss startup based in Zurich and Warsaw. The company's scope focuses on maximizing the potential of technology in the traditionally based healthcare industry. Concerned about the health of patients and the specification of the virus that Testasy specializes in identifying, the company has relied on innovative use of videoconferencing capabilities and remote surveillance of highly contagious material collection.
Problem defined:
Thanks to the remote process, a hitherto unnoticed fact have become particularly noticeable. Unnoticeable because until now it was completed in the presence of the patient: transcribing data, filling out medical record forms, issuing a certificate, and reporting the results of the consultation to health service systems. All of this took a very long time, and through the multitude of third-party systems, required double-checking the transcription of data at each stage of copying.
At first, nothing foreshadowed the dynamic development of Testasy's needs. We made contact with the company's CEO via LinkedIn. On the way of the conversation, the decision was made to cooperate with us urgently and help us integrate the system for issuing test result certificates with the BAG system (Swiss Health Service).
Later that week, we stepped up to the task and completed the MVP stage, creating a functional space integrated with the government medical platform in Switzerland. We simultaneously issued a Testasy printout with a test result certificate with the prototype, which was automatically reported to BAG.
This was just the beginning of the journey. As part of the additional functionality of the medical platform (working simultaneously for Poland and Switzerland), we still introduced:
- A built-in system for making video consultation appointments with study supervisors
- Management of patient appointments
- Secure, encrypted PDF that meets the stringent requirements of medical records
- Semi-automated computer vision-assisted model - an algorithm that recognizes positive/negative test results, verifying the result in parallel with the doctor (double verification)
- Algorytm rozpoznający pozytywny/negatywny wynik testu, weryfikujący wynik równolegle z lekarzem (podwójna weryfikacja)
- One-click certification system via Slack
- Integrations with applications of Testasy's laboratory partners
What has changed? Before and after the collaboration
At Testasy, thanks to the optimization of patient time, a whole new outlook has emerged, and Dr. Bielecki, despite being the company's chief physician, has found time for CEO duties - planning for growth, more meetings with contractors, recruiting, and expanding the team. In doing so, he did not have to hire a doctor in Switzerland, whose cost of employment in Switzerland is between PLN 45,000 and PLN 90,000 per month.
"It took us a very long time to issue each certificate. We work with sensitive customer data, double-checking when copying data, distractions when issuing certificates - phone calls from contractors. Time was an extremely valuable asset for us. By automating the process and verifying the test with a single click on the system, a process that used to take us 7 minutes now takes 10 seconds." - Dr. Michel Bielecki describes. - "It's so easy that I'm able to verify tests without taking a break from the CEO's work." - He adds.
Why Numlabs?
Above all, we wanted a flexible partner. The times of the pandemic were incredibly dynamic in terms of changing restrictions, it was a time of daily adaptation to the new reality that the health systems were imposing. By acting quickly and focusing on solving the challenges that arose with each government decision, we decided to partner with Numlabs. In retrospect, we are very pleased with this decision. The Numlabs team is committed to providing a high-quality service, and they understand the practical approach in business. - Dr. Michel Bielecki, founder of Testasy, explains.
And what challenges are you facing?
Get in touch with us and let's discuss together how new technologies can make your business easier.
Call us at +48 664 053 835, or email us at: office@numlabs.com